Thursday, 21 March 2013


My title explains, in depth, how I feel about my writing right now.

I just ... the timeframe's there, the storyline's there, the characters are there.

Why am I not? I'm trying to write as I type this and I've deleted about as much as I've written. I keep meaning to edit the first version as well, but my brain is sitting there laughing at me for that idea and I can't edit with all the laughing (stupid brain).

Okay, the real problem is this - I have two main characters who alternate first person, recent-past tense narration, which is a strange enough way to write anyway. Anyway, so at the end of the first part, they were separated, and I'm almost at the point where they're reunited. But they can't reunite just yet, but the bit just before actually kind of bores me. So I'm bored of myself. Ugh.

But I don't want to rush it, or add a load of shit that doesn't need to be written so I'm driving myself nuts over this. I may just say fuck it and do a God awful transition, I'm amazing at those.

Sorry this is so short, I just wanted to rant my way into semi-rationalising whatever I did next in the storyline. I maybe even tell you what the storyline is, one of these days!

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