Wednesday, 15 May 2013

More semi-pointless ramblings

My poor car is sick. She's just had a new clutch installed so she's been a bitch to drive (I love stalling when trying to change gears, no, really!) but before she went in, I kept telling my dad she had something wrong with the engine as well as her clutch. She was hissing and steaming after a five-minute drive. There's a cap on the engine loose, and when my dad took her in again, apparently the garage people poured like, two litres of water into the water pit and it all just disappeared. So hurrah, my car's dangerous to drive. Win. And it only took telling my dad about four times before he got that there was more than just a loose clutch. For him, that's progress.

Another writer I've been talking to, Alys B Cohen, is going to release her book soon, called Sacred Blood. If you need a book that's like the antithesis to Twilight or fifty shades, then please, please buy and read her book. 20% of sales are going to womens shelters too, so it's all worth while.

Also, I'm going to see Mcfly on Saturday. I am so freaking excited, because I see two of my best friends, and listen to a band I've loved for ten years. We're meant to be staying in a nearby hotel afterwards, but work has been silly and booked me for a night shift that night (I will not comment) so I've managed to compromise to start after getting back on the last train home. Still ... it's for Mcfly *silly heart-sign with hand* I love those boys.


  1. I had a similar thing with my car, just before it died on me (sorry, not what you want to hear!). Poor Perry! I'm not a mechanic, but it might be your head gasket, as that just drinks up your water. But I was telling Nick and his Dad that something wasn't right with Perry for ages and they couldn't feel it themselves. When I took it to the garage, it was more a question of what IS right with him?! Sad times. I hope your car gets better really soon and really cheaply! Enjoy your concert!
    Lydia xx

  2. There was a crack in the water resevoir, the tube through to the engine was rotten and the cap on top didn't fit right anymore. Only cost £500 to sort her out :/

    And if I'm even still going to the concert. I can't actually picture standing up for hours at a time right now, or dealing with the noise/lights they throw in. Love being sick #sarcasm
