Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Sometimes, Noah and I shouldn't talk.

I love Noah so much. He came up to me this morning with a genuine concern on the things he worries about frequently. Unfortunately for him, my mind has been reset to Supernatural Mode, and anything that slightly references the show will lead to a conversation about it.

See, he does believe in Heaven and Hell as concrete things (rather than me, who sees it more as abstract, but that's a long story) and he's very worried that if he gets told off once, he'll be sent straight to Hell. I get that concern, especially with the seriousness of our church. It's Anglican, not Catholic, but compared to my brother's Methodist church and my sister's Congregational one, it's practically stoic.

Anyway, so he came up to me today and started the following conversation, which I didn't really think on past the smarts comebacks before my sister came to his rescue with actual religious background (she's also studying religion at University, so this is her Thing):

Noah: Mummy, when you go to Heaven that means you'll never die.
Me: When you go to Heaven, it means you're dead.
Noah: But your soul doesn't die.
Me: Unless you get eaten by Leviathan. Or absorbed by an angel on a power trip.
Noah: No, your soul gets turned into an angel. Or if you go down, your soul becomes a devil.
Me: Well, souls can become demons, but I don't think they can become angels.

Obviously, I'm thinking of season seven, and it's only in retrospect that I considered the fact I might be terrifying my six-year-old and removing the veil of innocence by basically telling him 'yeah, dream on kid, you'll never be an angel' which I think he was aiming for? I didn't mean that, I mean, of course he's a wonderful kid and deserves the best and hush! I'm his mother, I get to say and think that he's the best and deserves the best. I'm just really awkward with theological debates. He should stop trying to start them with me, because the last time he didn't understand that I don't see God as anthropomorphic and more in line with the concept of the Holy Spirit deal. I didn't use the word anthropomorphic obviously, since he's six. I probably confused the hell out of him.

This is how Supernatural is ruining my life, clearly.

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