Saturday, 19 July 2014


So, I haven't talked too much about it on here, though I have talked about it at some point, but I've been trying my hand at erotica in fan fiction. I'm surprised at how okay I am at it, all things considered. I've had to explain some BDSM stuff to two different people based on my last chapters, which is so surreal for me. How do I know all this stuff and you guys don't?!

Anyway, so the big project I have going on, with my longest chapters ever (current one I'm working on is estimated at 8k. I tend to do 1-2k per chapter. Gerald won't know what to do with me!) I've done two versions of, for each of the two main characters. They have such different perspectives, and different things going on in their lives (which marries up with the show beautifully. Okay, I confess, this is Destiel. Heavy slash Destiel. Totally NSFW. And it's so much fun to do) and even though the main thread of the story is the same and I don't change events or speech … well, this is the comment someone made this morning when she read some of it:

"I've never read companion writing before yours. Wasn't sure what to make me the idea, but when i started reading, my god, WELL impressed with how different the same story can be, its so cool!"

I'm so pleased about that! It's a big ask to make the same story different, but I think it's because I've employed a few little tricks to keep it going:

-One is written in third person, the other in first. Which means one gets to be more descriptive, and one is more colloquial, and emotional.

-One is meant to be more romantic, and touching. The other I'm trying to inject some humour in. Writing in first person means the reactions can be the most comical bit, especially when they misinterpret each other.

-They're not together 24-7. What happens when they're apart lends the stories a different flavour.

It's so much fun to see people's reactions to the different stories, although the third person one is getting more of a response. I think because it came first and then people are worried that by trying the second, it would be really repetitive? But if you'd want to read, let me know, I might link you, if I think you can handle being scarred mentally. I mean, at one point there's an angel buying supplies in an S&M shop in Amsterdam, so you already know it's going to be pretty messed up.

And I'm totally going to hell.

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