Wednesday, 4 March 2015

mental health

So, as you all know by now, I don't have great mental health, a result of my body being starved of oxygen from poor blood flow and partially collapsed lungs way back when I had TTP. Sometimes, I think I can cope with day-to-day stuff despite it, but increasingly I'm feeling like it's really limiting me, or holding me back.

Even the most simple tasks can escape me, be too challenging or just not occur to me. Things like getting my son ready for school, or doing a simple laundry load, I need encouragement or assistance by my parents still.

I'm not trying to moan, or make people feel sorry for me. I just feel so frustrated by it all, and out of my depth for things that should be commonplace. I remember when I first went into remission, I was determined to beat it, to make what happened a footnote that I would barely remember. But sometimes, it's the only thing I remember. I'm learning - very slowly - just how big an effect this has had, how ling it will continue to dominate my life. You can't escape a handicap no matter how much you try.

Sometimes I don't realise just how it affects me until a situation occurs where I then can't cope. I might have been having a good day and then one question can ruin everything. Because I struggle with the answer. Because I can't figure out the task. Because the question places some kind of stress on me that renders me useless.

And I'm not unintelligent, I was always gifted, and even now when I'm confused so easily I can still ace a quiz. But where I used to coast so easily through these things it makes it so much harder to deal with.

I admit, sometimes I wish I could just cave completely and research whether I'm technically disabled on this front, go through the system to find out if they think I am. But then I'd feel so guilty, or lazy (this is a personal thing. I am not in any way applying these thoughts to my disabled friends) and I can imagine them saying no I'm not, and I've worked since my sick leave so obviously I can manage. And I love my job, but I know I'm not very good at it. I forget the simple things there too, like asking customers obvious questions.

I think mainly, I just wish it wasn't like this so much. That I could remember the basics and not have to rely on others. My parents are getting on, you know? They shouldn't have to be my carers. They shouldn't have to be my sons other parents.

Part of the reason I haven't blogged so much, on top of my big writing projects (which I am also struggling with) is this feeling, and not being able to think of topics. And I probably sound really down and for the most I'm not. I'm just increasingly frustrated by how limited I feel. I think that feeling fuels the problem and I'm stuck in a cycle right now. I don't know how to break it.

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