Thursday, 17 September 2015

Writing tired

So, part of what I've been doing while not blogging is working out what's wrong with me. Aside from the obvious - looking back on past posts where I've mentioned being fatigued or otherwise sick, talking to people who have a condition whose symptoms I seem to match almost exactly - I drew the conclusion a while ago that it was Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and I have visited the doctors (when I can grab the time off work, and it's in the week, and the doctors actually give me a frigging appointment, and I'm not so fatigued I can't even) but I get the feeling my regular GP doesn't believe in it. Awks.

Anyway, I have tried to keep on top of writing, even though I find it difficult. I was rereading something I wrote recently, and I could see when I was writing tired. There were so many silly mistakes, stuff spelled correctly that made no sense (he got up at walked of, for instance) because when I get tired my fingers jump over the keyboard and the scenes that are in my head won't turn off and ugh, I hate feeling so shitty all the time. I hate that it's so evident in the stuff I'm writing and I haven't caught it before. I think I always need a beta.

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