Thursday, 11 April 2013

Creativity can be a bitch.

Okay, so I've been trying to write some of my story today. Ugh.

Don't get my wrong, I love my characters and sometimes when I'm inner-monologuing and just woken up, I will call myself Lambrini (win!) and they're my constant companions so feel free to start speculating over which personality disorder I'm disguising in talent. But sometimes, ugh.

I know what I want to include in this story, the themes and the topics and which character is involved in which scenario.

But I still don't have a verified timeline for it. It's the summer, they're doing touristy crap, and unlike my parents I don't like military precision with holiday plans (first day of Florida is figuring out what the hell we all want to do in Florida. I don't know why they ask, because "The mall with Hot Topic in it" and "Universal Islands of Adventure" are my constant answers. My son will pick the Magic Kingdom, and we usually hit up one other Disney park, a water park, and my mother will talk about getting fabric but not from a flea market and then give it up so we can spend two days pretending we're at Hogwarts and then complaining. Still, we waste our first day having this debate and then buying crap from Publix) so that means I'm trying to do this with my whole 'we'll work it out on the day' attitude (Hola, New York in October with the besties. We met Arnie and ended up in the Jeremy Kyle USA audience as well as doing most touristy shit by this method, so STFU mother, it works!) ... it doesn't work in fiction.

Can someone write my fic for me? Without revealing the awesome and totally mind-fucking secret I have to reveal? Thank you!

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