Wednesday, 17 April 2013


So ... I've said all that stuff about how mental I actually am these days. And I've said about how dumb people can be about my name.

And tying those two together, you get a neurotic mess who hates misspellings and poor grammar but still couldn't tell you the definition of a preposition or whether she ends sentences with one. Yay for hypocrisy!

Seriously, I hate bad spellings and poor grammar. I don't mean typos, we all do that, and I read through some of these and think 'really Siobhan, don't think ahead of what you're typing' though that's totally what I'm doing even now. I end up in a word mess, or replace words with those that don't make sense. I can forgive a typo.

I cannot forgive your/you're or their/there/they're replacements. I can't forgive should of/could of. I can't forgive infinately. You know what I do on words I'm not sure of? I open my word processor, and type the word I'm thinking of, and let that do the work. I just have to be careful if it's on my story file that I delete the word, or it ends up like.

" ... I said quietly.necessary"

Because I can never remember if it's two c's or two s's. I also do this a lot when my friend Jodie hints on the times we get to meet up about having a cheeky margarita because I cannot spell that. But see, windows is into Mexican food and accompanying alcohols so it totally helps me out. Thanks windows, you tequila-holic, you!

See? I'm admitting I can't spell every word out there, but do I just think 'fuck it, I'll write how I texted when I was 13 and couldn't afford credit so put an essay in 120 letters' or do I go to a reliable source that's right there on my computer? God, most people have smart phones, they have predictive texting (like, my windows phone is cool with predictive writing, it makes a tonne of suggestions based on the words that came before but if you're going for a different word it's cool beans about it, unlike apple who when I had an iPhone, stealth-changed a word just before sending a text, demanding I send a new text to sort out my phone's issues. It also thought 'me' wasn't a word and changed it to 'mr'. Really.)

There is just no excuse for it.

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