Monday, 9 December 2013

Oh, hello brain fart!

I'm slowly grinding my way through Reunited. It's now about 67,000 words long, and nearly at the end.

I thought I'd give myself a break, and get back on my Supernatural fanfics, but I can't remember where I was going with one of them, and I'm not feeling the other right now, so nooooooooooooo!

In other news, I now have an official Facebook author page. Like, promote, etc, etc. It's a work in progress.

I may have a new Sporking up by the end of the night as well.

**edit** I'm feeling a little better about my writing prowess after some basic math!

Jenny Trout put a tracker up on her site for people to download and I've been using it since August 12th. I set myself the target of 150,000 words to do throughout the year (it's a yearly tracker). I honestly thought that was a hell of a lot.

I'm at 116,440 words. I'm three days off being a third of the way through the year. There are blank weeks in this tracker. I could, especially with the 100k in 100 days challenge that Gerald Hornsby has hooked me up with, hit 300k words this YEAR.

I'm being strict with myself on this. I'm including Sporkings, Sammy Who and Cassandra Teal (my fanfics), Departed and Reunited, and any excerpts I might have done for future novels. I don't include blog posts, no matter how awesome (or rambling).

I will forgive myself the current brain fart, since I'm absolutely annihilating my targets. I think this is a sign I need to read a little/do some editing.

Although, I did just read "Anna and the French Kiss" … except he was English. Would have been good, but it was followed the same trajectory as a lot of these will-they-won't-they books. I stopped enjoying it after the first two-thirds of the book. It's a shame, because it was a good story otherwise, and it was funny, and the characters were interesting.

And I've got a mounting 'to be finished' pile: The Girlfriend, The Two Towers, The Return of the King (no, Lydia, I have to finish them. HAVE to.), Billy and Me (please!), Teardrop, Allegiant … I better get on that!

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