Tuesday, 2 July 2013

The things kids pick up ...

So, I have to book my holidays in December for the following year. I usually try and make one of those weeks the week over boy's birthday, because I was hospitalised for his first one and that will always make me feel like a shitty parent (especially as I had big plans for his first) and I always want to make up for it.

And my parents were talking a few months ago about going away for a few days in the summer, and since my holiday is then, we have a trip booked to Rome.

We fly out on his birthday ... he thinks this trip is for his birthday. Um ....

... sorry kiddo.

We had to renew his passport as well, and I took him into one of those photobooths, raised the seat right up (and he still had to sit on my bag) and then he had to look all serious (because he was gurning before) and awwwww, he kinda looks like those kids on the NSPCC ads, the cute-but-forlorn kids ... I swear customs, he is well treated! He's going to Italy for his sixth birthday!

And he and I are wheat intolerant. This is going to be a good trip ...

... also, we're both psyched for a day trip to Pompeii and Vesuvius. Volcano's are amazing.


  1. Depending when you go, it's going to be roasting! I went in August and it was so fucking hot haha.

    Have a good time. Cat x

  2. End of August, so yes it will be! Our hotel has a pool, however, so win!
