Saturday 24 May 2014


Let's ignore the fact that this is practically my June shot. And most of May I failed horribly on the exercise aspect. And for a couple of days after the convention my routine got messed up. And in the pictures I have a Gryffindor towel on my head and I've covered my face with my phone and there's a lot of crap by our back door. Progress photo's for the diet!


Obviously, the last ones I've taken, rather than my sister, so the angle's different, but you can see my tummy going down. Worried about my boobs though, bra buying is going to get even more complicated :(

I love doing Herbalife. I was worried that, because I linked my weight gain with my illness, when I started doing it the whole thing would come undone in my head and I'd be the shape I used to like but I'd still be fatigued and lacklustre and find it hard to communicate still, but the great thing about the plan Lydia and I have worked out is that I do have more energy, and I feel like I think things through the way I did - testament by how many stories I'm working on now - and I feel like me again. I never thought that would happen. And by and large, there's some really good stuff happening in my life. I mean, there's some not so great things too, because life's like that, but I'm trying to be more positive, where I can. I know it's stupid to link your weight and body shape to happiness and normally I would be against that, but at the same time, I think when you find a place you're comfortable with, and you lose that but then you have the opportunity to get it back, you should do it if you know it's going to help you in your confidence levels. So yeah, it's true when they say that Herbalife is a lifestyle change :D thank you so much, Lydia!

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