Friday 7 February 2014


I made a booboo with my writing. I decided to leave the end of Departed until I'd written some of Reunited for NaNo. And then I got ridiculously into Reunited, and finished it, and now I'm back on Departed and I'm struggling, because books 4-7 keep invading my head. It's like pulling teeth. I have like, three or four plot points left, and I'm still 33,000 words shy of the third book, and 45,000 words shy of the first. I'm not hugely worried if it's the shortest story, but it does leave me feeling that maybe I split the story lines in a weird place. It's got the smallest time frame for action, although I shaved down the time for Reunited because it was taking so long.

Maybe it's a struggle because there's not such a range of supporting characters like the rest of the books? It's literally the main two characters, and their families, in this book. Unlike the first where you're constantly meeting new people, and the third where the focus is on their futures. This one is more of an answer for some of the questions in the first. I hope, anyway. If I have any talent, whatsoever. It's doubtful, at this point.

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