Wednesday 26 February 2014

It's not normal

I just streamed the latest Supernatural episode. Oh my fucking God, what are they trying to do to me? So many goddamn feels! I'm actually fighting tears, because of it. I don't think I can talk about it though, because Cat reads this blog and she's not streaming it, so she doesn't know. I need to remember which people from the convention have watched because I actually think I'm emotionally damaged from it. And the dumb thing is, it was a positive, here's-some-hope, kind of an episode.

Maybe it's because they're so few and far between and it's a little bit like 'well, how badly am I going to be mentally damaged when the writers sweep that out from under our feet?' I can't enjoy the happy-cry-y times because they never get happy-cry-y times!

I'm going to hyperventilate into a paper bag now.


  1. Okay. Did you cry when Mrs. Tran saw Kevin in the bunker? Because I bawled my eyes out.

    Where is Crowley? And...wasn't there a third bunker? Wasn't someone IN the third bunker? Or did I imagine that?

  2. Mrs Tran was so kick-ass. I got more worked up in the lock-up when Sam choked on talking to her, and she twigged what he was saying and was like 'I want to see Kevin!' anyway.

    There was a third. Eh, who cares about them, right? And Crowley's probably sorting out his campaign against Abbadon. Did he give Dean Cain's weapon in that episode, or did I blink out and miss it (because Dean and Crowley! Fangirl time!)

    Also, very sorry to Cat for all the spoilers. Nothing happens to Kevin. At all … *cries*
