Tuesday 5 November 2013


Ways in which NaNoWriMo pwns Siobhan on her own:

-I just wrote my longest chapter, ever. It's about seven pages long in word, which isn't so long in the grand scheme of things, definitely not as long as a Rowling or Meyer chapter, but my forte is 'well, that's four pages, I'd be switching off now!'

-I've now written about a tenth of the third instalment of the Uprooted series, which I'm calling Reunited for now. It's probably the least ambiguous of my chapter titles.

-I feel like I understand Cole a hell of a lot better. He's no longer Mystery Fennigan to me. Which is a little bittersweet, but you should always flesh out your characters.

-I get to talk endlessly about books and writing. Huzzah!

Ways in which my new job pwns my old job:

-I get to work with Lydia again. Wooooooo!

-The other people I work with seem really nice. It feels like it's repairing my soul to go through a shift not being called a dick or a cunt by the people I'm working with.

-I get to sleep at night. All night. Every night. Although, with the effects of exhaustion I was struggling through, I'm not entirely there yet. Nearly.

-I can wear dresses. Every day. All black, sure, but DRESSES.

-I get prettyful shoes to wear. I must wear their prettyful shoes. Not shoes that can withstand chemicals and grease. Hmmmm ...

-I do not get covered in grease.

-I don't feel sick anymore. At all. It's gone, the chest infection, the tiredness, the headaches, the confusion, the dizziness, the stomach aches, the blood worry ... I can't even freaking remember it. It's been two weeks!

-I don't have to engage in pathetic arguments like 'I want a Big Mac, no pickles, I'm allergic.' 'Sir, the Mac Sauce has pickles chopped up in it-' 'That's okay. And I'm not a sir, I'm not knighted.' *no, but you are a giant walking douchebag*. Instead, the conversations are more like 'I really like those shoes with that top.' and other such girlie comments that I have to remind myself/be reminded that it's okay to say now. I won't get bollocked if I do, I'm more likely to get bollocked if I don't. Oh, go on then!

-I don't have to eat McDonald's any more. Ever. I can *gasp* lose weight!

-I can wear jewellery, including my TTP survivor band. I hated taking that off for Macs.

-I can do whatever the fuck I want with my hair.

-I don't have to wear a hat any more. I am not a hat person. I look like a twat when I wear them.

-I can paint my nails.

-I can be slightly OCD about the way the shoes sit on the tables. It's all so neat and organised out on the shop floor and I no longer feel an irrational need to cry at mess when I walk onto my shift. Yeah, that could happen at McDonald's. That floor isn't black normally, you know?

-I can see my son. Actually see him. We've spent more time together the last few weeks than we have for the rest of the year. I have missed that crazy boy.

-I can write! I thought I might not get to do NaNoWriMo this year, but clearly I am doing it! I've got the sporking going on, and writing my Supernatural fanfic, and I've had another fanfic idea too, playing on the DestielFic ideas ...

-I can have shakeaways! Only occasionally, because it's like, £3.90 for a shake, but if you'd had a Dave, a George, or a hot Sylvia ... you'd understand.

-Cinnabon is two stores away from shakeaways. Cinnabon.

-The first Taco bell is upstairs ...

-Millies Cookies are pretty freaking amazing too. What was I saying about a diet?

... I am pretty freaking happy with life right now. Lydia's my hero <3


  1. I love you too!! <3 I'm so glad you're happy now, you deserve it so much! I have noticed how you never share all these yummy things you keep talking about though ;) Well done on the NaNoWriMo! xx

  2. ... was that a hint? I'm covering Ellie's shift tomorrow, so I'll be in just as you're leaving. This seems a little convenient to me ... what flavour shakeaways? And who else will be there when I get in? Lol. And nice timing, since I got a payslip from McDonald's on Monday and could potentially be paid again tomorrow ;)

  3. Also, I still haven't had taco bell. I brought ham salad sandwiches today. Ate in my car and read Destiel fanfics ;)

  4. Destiel fic = YES

    Everything is also a huge yes.

  5. Maybe I will finally do some writing and do Destiel ... would probably ruin it though haha

  6. I would read! Been reading a few, but they all end up as AU high school fics! I think I have a problem .,,

  7. Also, I have a Destiel fic in mind. And maybe one where they think they're dealing with monsters, but instead it turns out to be legitimate illnesses. I don't despise the vamp episodes, or anything ...
