Saturday 8 March 2014

Essex Book Festival Writer's Day

Maybe I should let this stew before I actually post, but then I'd forget because I'm, well, me.

So, I went to the writer's festival today. Spent the day with the very awesome Sarah-Jane and Tracy, when we weren't in seminars/workshops anyway, since they split us up *sob*

There were some interesting points, for advertising in social media and the pros and cons of trad publishing versus self publishing. There was also a semi-pointless one about 'is there a book in you' but um, you're talking to people who write. Clearly, we all think there is.

However … I'm still so conflicted about whether to trad publish or go the selfie route. There was a good suggestion of publishing to wattpad as a work in progress, and I think when I clear up the middle of my book I might just do that.

Sarah-Jane is also demanding I climb out of the dinosaur age and leave word behind to use scrivener. I'll try it for the fourth book - if I can remember what it's going to be call - and probably make a note of my progress on that as I go along. Watch for two weeks time when I'm like 'ZOMG, why didn't I use scrivener before?'

Anyway, all in all it was good because it was a little affirming that I'm where I'm meant to be but at the same time I still feel like I'm at the same apex I was before and I'm not really sure which road to go down. I love my story, and I know it needs work, but I don't know if the story I love is in any way marketable. And that's probably the trickiest part for me, of trying to become a published author. Yes, it's written, but is it worthy?

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