Sunday 23 March 2014

Siobhan watches: Supernatural. Season One, Episode Eleven. "Scarecrow."

This episode opens up the narrative for the next few seasons. Which is funny, because so many people lament the end of the 'monster-a-week' theme from this season and the next, but the overall arc has been there all along, and they still do the 'monster-a-week' bit. I know I've probably already stated this. But this episode is a prime example of that, because Sam and Dean come up against a monster, but they're also about to get roped into the world of demons, full on. That episode in the plane was nothing compared to what's coming.

We start in Burkitsville, Indiana, a year previously. A man is filling his car at a gas station, as a young couple leave the local diner. The owner gives them an apple pie to go, on the house, and the girl thanks them profusely. She says they need to get lost more often, because the townsfolk are so nice. The guy shakes hands with the diner owner, and their daughter compliments his tribal tattoo.

The diner owners start giving directions back to the interstate, and the guy thanks them. He drives through the dark, and his car conks out just by the town's orchard. He pulls his cell phone out of his pocket, and that's died too. They climb out of the car and see a light towards the other end of the orchard. Thinking there's a house inside it, they begin walking through the orchard.

Halfway through, they see a scarecrow on a post, stopping and looking at each other before walking closer. They peer up at it. The guy quotes from the scarecrow in Wizard of Oz, and she tells him if he had a brain, they wouldn't be lost. He says thanks, then points out how freaky the scarecrow looks. She says it scares her, and as they walk away, she sees its head move. She asks him to hurry, and they carry on walking towards the light at the end of the orchard. Before they've gone very far, though, they hear twigs snapping under foot, and wheel around to look at what could have caused that. They begin to run, and suddenly, the guy isn't there any more. She realises that he's not there, and stops, calling his name and looking around. She hears more branches snapping underfoot, and begins running back to the car. She trips, and realises she's stepped on his broken body. She looks up, and begins screaming. As her screams increase, we see the scarecrow post … without the scarecrow.

This is the first episode that hasn't recapped everything so far, by the way. I've seen Jeepers Creepers 2, this is so a play on that, at first anyway. Because you think Sam and Dean are going to settle with impaling the beast to a barn roof?

The scene cuts to the final few moments of the last episode, so we are now back in the present. In the motel room, Dean's phone rings on the bedside table. It wakes Sam up, and though he tries to wake Dean up, Dean doesn't respond. Sam flips the phone open and answers.

And because I'm good to you people, love Sam and Dean, and want to narrate on everything that's a major storyline, their relationship, or just funny dialogue, the entire phone conversation:

Sam - "Hello?"
John - "Sam, is that you?"
Sam - *sitting up in bed* "Dad. are you hurt?"
John - "I'm fine."
Sam - "We've been looking for you everywhere. We didn't know where you were, if you were okay."
John - "Sammy, I'm alright. What about you and Dean?"
Sam - "Well, we're fine. Dad, where are you?"
John - "Sorry kiddo, I can't … I can't tell you that."
Sam - "What? Why not?"
Dean - *having finally woken up* "Is that Dad?"

Quick pause to say, Jensen is topless. Mmmmmmm …

John - "Look, I know this is hard for you to understand. You just - you're gonna have to trust me on this."
Sam - "You're after it, aren't you? The thing that killed Mom?"
John - "Yeah. It's a demon, Sam."
Sam - "A demon? You know for sure?"
Dean - "A demon? What's he saying?"
John - "I do. Listen, Sammy, I - uh - I also know what happened to your girlfriend. I'm so sorry. I would've done anything to protect you from that."

Dean put a shirt on :( Also, bullshit, John! You know how to look for demonic signs, you could have read them coming for California. You swung by there enough times, apparently. Why did you drop the frigging ball?

Sam - "You know where it is?"
John - "Yeah, I think I'm finally closing in on him."
Sam - "Let us help."
John - "You can't. You can't be any part of it."
Sam - Why not?"
Dean - "Give me the phone."
John - "Listen, Sammy, that's why I'm calling. You and your brother, you gotta stop looking for me. Right? Now, I need you to write down these names."
Sam - "Names? What names? Dad, wh- talk to me, tell me what's going on."
John - "Look, we don't have time for this. This is bigger than you think. They're everywhere. Even us talking right now, it's not safe."
Sam - "No, all right. No way."
Dean - "Give me the phone!"
John - "I've given you an order. Now you stop following me and you do your job, you understand me? Now take down these names."
Dean - *finally snatching the phone* "Dad. It's me. Where are you? … Yes sir … uh, yeah, I got a pen … what are the names?"

Everyone shuts Sam down when he wants to discuss feelings in this show, don't they? Poor boy. And that last bit with Dean was just a hint of how whipped he is around his father. Even more reason not to like John. I like how in this episode, the first two scenes are alternating between the episode topic and the overall arc. Not just the brothers relationship, or the way they relate to their father like so far, but the notion that demonic activity is more widespread than they knew and the very real threat of them which carries through. We're also about to meet a repeating cast member in this episode. And yes, she's a demon.

The boys are in the car, driving in the dark. Sam asks Dean about the names their father gave, whether they were all couples. Dean agrees, and says they all went missing. Sam checks again, that they're all from different towns and states. Dean says yes again, and lists them.

Irrelevant sidebar. Sam is driving. The hell? I know he does sometimes, but not often. It's Dean's car, which John gave him. It's plain weird to see Sam driving.

Dean then states the facts, they were all driving across country, and disappeared en route, never to be heard from again. Sam points out that America is big, they could have gone missing anywhere. Dean says it could have, but their routes all went through the same part of Indiana. Always the same time of year - second week of April - a year apart each. Sam clarifies that they're in the second week of April. Dean agrees, and Sam says "So Dad is sending us to Indiana to go hunting for something before another couple vanishes." to which Dean points and replies "Yahtzee."

I'm British, someone please explain what Yahtzee is? I mean, I know this is Dean saying 'well, yes Sam, exactly.' but isn't it some kind of game?

Irregardless, they don't have much to go on, and I think that's what Sam's making a point of. They've said in a few episodes, and I'm sure that includes episodes already covered in these recaps, that they've done hunts on barely any information. I'm pretty sure that's a nod to 'Dad didn't tell us squat'.

Dean starts talking about how John researched the case, how he managed to string it together through various obituaries. He calls John a master, and Sam pulls a face to show that he doesn't agree. He stops the car, and Dean asks what's up. Sam decides that they're not going to Indiana. They're going to California, because John called from a pay phone with a Sacramento area code. He starts repeating about the demon killing their mom and Jess, and how their dad must be closing in, and they should be there too. Dean points out that he doesn't want their help. Sam says he doesn't car, and Dean repeats that it's an order. Sam repeats that he doesn't care, pointing out they don't always have to do what John wants. Dean tells him "Sam, Dad is asking us to work jobs, to save lives. It's important."

Sam says he understands, but he's only asking for a week.

I just looked it up, it's clean across the country, and at best 32 hours driving time. Thank you. Discover America Road Trips Sam's so freaking selfish! And even though Dean is effectively whipped by their old man, at least he gives a shit about saving others. And no, I don't think John is as concerned with that as Dean is. I think John uses their regular jobs first as research, second as training, and third because it stokes the fires of his revenge. Which are pretty much all Sam's motivations, also.

Sam says he wants answers, and revenge - see? - and Dean tells him he knows how Sam feels. Sam says, 'do you?' and then points out Dean was four when their mother died. Sam lost Jess six months ago, so how in the hell was Dean going to know how Sam felt? Dean repeats another of their dad's lines, that it wasn't safe for any of them, and John obviously knew something he wasn't sharing, and they should listen to him. Sam tells him "I don't understand the blind faith you have in the man. I mean, it's like you don't even question him." Dean says it's because he's a good son. Sam climbs out of the car, and Dean follows him as he starts going through the trunk of the Impala for his bags.

Dean - "You're a selfish bastard, you know that? You just do whatever you want, don't care what anybody thinks."
Sam - "That's what you really think?"
Dean - "Yes it is."
Sam - "Well, then this selfish bastard is going to California." *starts to walk away*
Dean - "Come on, you're not serious."
Sam - "I am serious."
Dean - It's the middle of the night! Hey, I'm taking off, I will leave your ass, you hear me?"
Sam - "That's what I want you to do." *Dean stares at him for a moment, and Sam glares right back.*
Dean - "Goodbye Sam."

Okay, at first I squealed HARD on Dean verbalising exactly what I think about Sam, but I forgot a little, that they split. Sam's so fucking callous in this scene, and for Dean, it must have been a repetition of an old situation, but he found himself in John's position this time. And I'm not just referring to Sam going to college, as it transpires later, Sam has run away before. He really is a selfish bastard to ditch out on Dean, who's only ever tried to do the right thing. And for some reason, even though this scene is completely in character, I got the vibe that Dean was trying to play John to give himself some kind of authority, or a mask so Sam couldn't see how much it destroyed him to have Sam give so little respect to him.

Dean goes back to the driver's side, and looks at Sam once more, who is watching steadily. Dean climbs in, starts the car up, and drives away slowly.

And I know it's slowly because he usually shoots off, burning rubber and squealing tyres. This was understated, no revving, and a tidy pull away. He's giving Sam a final chance. If Sam had run after the car, Dean would have stopped.

Sam watches him go, then turns and starts walking up the road back the way they came.

The next day, the Impala pulls into a picturesque neighbourhood, rain pouring down as Dean drives through. He pulls up in the retail area, and scrolls through his phone until he hits Sam.

And just to highlight how lonely and isolated Dean is in life, these are his following contacts: Bren, Carmelita, Christian, Curtis, Dad, Donny, Robin, Sam. Eight names, at least two of which are women he's probably currently screwing behind the scenes. I can't answer for now about Christian, Curtis or Donny, but I'm going to guess other Hunters. We'll find out, I'm sure.

He shuts his phone, cuts the engine, and climbs out of the car, heading over to the diner called 'Scotty's cafe'. He approaches a local and asks if he's Scotty. Scotty says yes, and Dean introduces himself as John Bonham. Scotty asks if that's not the drummer from Led Zeppelin? Dean compliments him on his music knowledge and Scotty asks what he wants. Dean pulls a couple of print-outs from his pocket, and asks if Scotty's seen them.

It's the couple from the first scene.

Scotty says no, who are they? Dean says friends of his who went missing locally. He'd already asked in  Scottsburg and Salem. Scotty says they don't get many strangers. Dean, noticing his sour expression, says to him, "Scotty, you got a smile that lights up a room. Anyone ever tell you that?"

Dean's humour is so wasted on some people. I think he's hilarious, however. If only we were on the same plane of existence ...

Meanwhile, Sam is still walking, slowly now, along the road. Backwards. He stops and turns, and there's a blonde girl sitting by the roadside, listening to music, her back to her bag. He approaches her and puts his hand on her shoulder, and she jerks as she stands up. She tells him that he scared the hell out of her. Sam offers to help her, and she says she's good. He asks where she's going, and she says she's not telling him. He asks why, and she says he could be some kind of a freak, because he's hitchhiking. He points out she is too, as a car rattles up and beeps the horn. He offers a ride, but only to her. She climbs in and Sam asks if she trusts 'shady van guy' over him. She smiles and tells him, definitely.

Welcome to Meg. I don't like this Meg, I like the later Meg. Pizzaman Meg. Still, nice burn at Sam. You put that arrogant douchenozzle in his place. Even if I know you only went with shady van guy to kill the poor sap.

In the town, Dean's in the general store, showing the pictures of the most recent missing couple around, and asking questions. The daughter from the opening scene comes out from the back and asks if the guy had a tattoo? Dean says yes, and she looks at the pictures, then says they were just married. Her father, who had been feigning ignorance, acts as though it's just occurred to him and said they stopped for gas, and were in town for maybe ten minutes. Dean asks if they remember anything else, and the guy says he gave instructions to get back to the interstate. Dean asks for directions, and the guy agrees.

As he drives, the EMF starts to go off in the backseat. Dean pulls over and pulls it out of his bag, where the reader is going crazy. He looks around, and spots the orchard. He starts walking through, and spots the scarecrow. He walks right up to it, looking up and studying it. And his reaction? "Dude, you fugly."

Only Dean. *dreamy sigh*

He spots a hook in the scarecrow's hand, and grabs a nearby ladder for closer inspection. He looks into its face, then moves its sleeve aside and sees a tattoo on the arm skin. He holds the picture up of the missing man, and compares the tattooes. They match. Dean then tells the scarecrow "Nice tat."

My man is onto you! I'd also like to point out, he's fully capable of working a case without Sam. He wants Sam around because he loves his brother, not because he's inept. Just something to file away for a later date.

Dean drives back into town, and the girl is there as he parks up. He gets out and she mentions that he's come back. He tells her that he never left. She asks if he's still looking for his friends and he nods, then asks her to fill the car up, squinting at her necklace and calling her Emily. She does, and he asks her if she grew up there. She says she came when she was 13, her parents died in a car accident and now she lives with her aunt and uncle. He says they're nice people, and Emily tells him that everyone's nice in town. He asks if it's a perfect little town, and she calls it the Boonies, but says she loves it anyway. She then tells him the other local towns are struggling as people lose their farms and homes, but their town has been lucky.

2005/2006 - the brief period of time when people were starting to struggle, just before the recession hit. I know, it's when I was leaving uni and finding out my degree meant sweet fuck all. Nice touch, Supernatural.

Dean asks if Emily's ever been to the orchard and seen the scarecrow. She says yeah, and it creeps her out. He asks whose it is and she tells him it's always been there. He then nods to a pick up truck behind her and asks if it belongs to her aunt and uncle. She says no, it's a customer's who's had some car troubles. He asks if it's a guy-and-girl couples', and she nods.

See? Dean's already worked most of it out! Screw you, Sam!

Sam meanwhile, has finally found a bus station, where he's being told he can't get a bus until the next day at 5pm. Sam tells her there has to be another way, and she tells him there is. Buy a car. Sam turns around, and moves into the waiting room, pulling his phone out and scrolling through until he hits Dean's name. 

Sam has a lot more phone contacts, just fyi.

He presses on Dean's name, obviously debating whether to make a call, when someone says hey. He looks, and it's the girl from the van. He turns the phone off and asks what happened to her ride? She tells him that he was right, the guy was shady. She cut him loose. He looks at the buses through the door and sighs, and she asks what up? He tells her he's just trying to get to California, and she says she is too. She repeats that the next bus isn't until the next day, and he says he knows, that's the problem. She asks him what's so important in California? He tells her something he's been looking for and she tells him it can wait one more day. She finally introduces herself as Meg.

Knowing what happens later, I always forget Sam started out by flirting like crazy with Meg. Also, complete spoiler, Meg's got a connection to the demon who killed Mary - I know, makes it worse! - so yeah, Cali can wait if she's not there. Silly Sam.

In the diner in the town, Scotty is telling a couple that they're famous for their apples, so they MUST try the pie on the menu. When the girl starts to protest, he tells them it's on the house. Dean walks in and greets him like they're friends, then asks for a black coffee. He spots the pie the couple are eating and asks for that as well as he sits at the table beside the couple. He starts chatting to the couple who are stuffing their faces with food, asking what brings them that way. The girl says, with a mouth full of food, that they're on a road trip. Dean tells them he is too. Scotty pours the couple some orange juice and tells Dean he's sure they just want to eat in peace. Dean says, as innocently as possible, he's just trying to make some friendly conversation. Then he reminds Scotty about the coffee.

As soon as Scotty walks off again, Dean asks what brought them to town. She tells him that they stopped for gas, but then the gas station attendant saved their lives. A brake line was leaking and they had no idea, and it was getting fixed. Dean says that they're nice people, and asks when they'll be up and running? The guy say, sun down. Dean then leans forward and says "Really? To fix a brake line?" before saying he knows about cars, he could probably fix it in an hour, free of charge. They say thanks, but they'd rather trust a mechanic. Dean says sure, then tries a different tact. He tells them that the local roads aren't safe at night, and as crazy as it sounds, they might be in danger. They tell him that they're trying to eat.

MORONS! Okay, I concede, in this situation, he needs Sam, because he's not so great with words and he needs Sam's spin to convince them. Sam who would say 'you know, my brother might not be a registered mechanic, but we were brought up in a scrap yard. He knows cars. He's kept our car going this long, learning everything from our old man. And you know, I heard some local legend about these roads. I mean, it sounds stupid, but driving around at night? Even I'm not that crazy.' but Sam's petulant, so Dean of course is going to screw this bit up. Also, why are this couple so trusting of all the happy people when they can see Scotty treating Dean like shit? Did they just figure Dean might be the town weirdo and that's why Scotty treated him with such hostility and contempt?

Dean acknowledges this, by saying:

Dean - "You know, my brother could give you this puppy-dog look and you'd just buy right into it."

At this point, the door opens again, and Scotty materialises, thanking the sheriff for coming. They talk together for a moment before the sheriff approaches Dean and asks for a word. Dean tells him he's already having a bad day. The sheriff tells him that he doesn't want to make it worse.

The next shot is of the Impala driving three miles out of the town, the sheriff's car behind him, lights and sirens running.

Which looks odd. I mean, seriously, what did Dean even do? He went into the cafe, tried to be friendly, got snubbed and went hungry. This town so deserves the shit they get in this episode.

Three miles out of the town, the police car turns around and drives back.

In the bus station, Sam and Meg are sharing some food and drinking beer, and Sam is asking if Meg's on vacation. She says yeah, right, and references the high life that she's after. They laugh and she turns serious, saying she had to get away from her family. He asks why, and she says she loves her parents but she didn't like them acting on what was best for her without consulting her. As she carries on talking about how she was meant to do as she was told, you can see Sam comparing himself to her situation. He tells her it's the same deal with him and Dean. She makes him toast to living their own lives, and he clicks his beer bottle against hers, smirking.

Demons can read minds and play on emotions, Sam you dumbass.

That night, Dean drives back into town. In the orchard, the couple are walking through, the girl saying she can't believe their car broke down when they just got it fixed. As they're walking through, something goes running past their backs. They turn, and she squeals as they cling together, listening to the heavy breathing nearby. They look around, calling out, trying to find out who's there. The scarecrow appears, flicking his hook out. They start running, and Dean appears with a shot gun. He tells them to get back to their car. The scarecrow comes closer, and they start running. Dean preps the shotgun and shoots the scarecrow, which hardly pauses. He starts running too, still firing off shots as he goes. They reach the end of the orchard, and pause outside of the Impala. Dean turns back, reloading the shotgun, waiting for the scarecrow. The guy asks what the hell it was, and Dean tells him not to ask.

Because Dean probably hasn't worked it out yet. But also, because he tries to protect people and even though they've just had a bad experience, he's not going to enlighten them and ruin the rest of their lives any more than he can help.

In the bus station, Meg is asleep and Sam is on the phone.

Sam - "The scarecrow climbed off its cross?"
Dean - "Yeah, I'm telling ya, Burkitsville Indiana. Fun town."
Sam - "It didn't kill the couple, did it?"
Dean - "No. No. I can cope without you, you know."
Sam - "So something must be animating it. a spirit."
Dean - "No, it's more than a spirit. It's a god. A pagan god, anyway."
Sam - "What makes you say that?"
Dean - "The annual cycle of its killings. And the fact that the victims are always a man and a woman like some kind of fertility rite. And you should see the locals, the way they treated this couple. Fattening them up like a Christmas turkey."
Sam - "The last meal. Given to sacrificial victims."
Dean - "Yeah, I'm thinking a ritual sacrifice to appease some pagan god."
Sam - "So a god possesses the scarecrow-"
Dean - "And the scarecrow takes its sacrifice. And for another year the crops won't wilt and disease won't spread."

So, I stand corrected, Dean does have a clue on what they're dealing with. Sam's still playing guess what Dean's referring to as Dean tells him. He's been trained well. But he still needed Sam as a sounding board, and I think he called to try to get Sam to come back.

Sam asks if he knows which god he's dealing with yet, and Dean says no. Sam tells him once he figures it out, he can work out how to kill it. Dean tells him that he's on his way to a local community college to talk to a professor because "I don't have my trusty sidekick geek boy to do all the research."

Translation: Sam, I love you and I miss you and I want you to come home, but I have to bury this emotion in my typical macho bullshit.

Sam laughs and tells him that, if Dean's hinting on needing help, he just has to ask. Dean says he's not hinting anything.

And the next bit is so cute and such a summation of what I mean by Dean's general inarticulateness when expressing his emotions that I'll transcribe again.

Dean - "Actually, uhm, huh … I want you to know … I mean, don't think …"
Sam - "Yeah. I'm sorry too."
Dean - "Sam, you were right. You gotta do your own thing. You gotta live your own life."
Sam - "You serious?"
Dean - "You've always known what you want, and you go after it. You stand up to Dad and you always have. Hell, I wish I- anyway, I admire that about you. I'm proud of you, Sammy."
Sam - "I don't even know what to say."
Dean - "Say you'll take care of yourself."
Sam - "I will."
Dean - "Call me when you find Dad."

WHY CAN YOU BOTH DO THIS ON THE PHONE AND NOT IN PERSON? OMFG, the fangirl rage this episode brings out in me. It's cute but frustrating. And once again, Dean is giving Sam everything he wants at this moment. Dean, when they hang up, looks like he's close to tears, whereas Sam just looks thoughtful. I know why, he's evaluating his life and his brothers, but still, could you not hear Dean on the phone? The tenor of his voice I mean, since you clearly understood the subtext.

Meg sits up and walks over with her bag, asking who was on the phone. Sam tells her it was Dean, and she asks what he said. Sam tells her, goodbye, and smiles.

*pulls hair out* … just, God, Sam!

At the community college, the professor tells Dean he doesn't often get research questions on pagan idolatry. He tells Dean Indiana isn't famed for it's paganism, and Dean asks maybe the pagan god got imported, like with the Pilgrims? He asks as well, where the residents of Burkitsville came from, ancestry-wise. The professor tells him, Scandinavia. Dean asks about their pagan gods, and the professor tells him that there's hundreds of Norse gods and goddesses. Dean tells him that he's looking for one, who might live in an orchard.

The professor opens an old, large book, and turns the pages until Dean stops him, pointing to a drawing of a scarecrow in a plowed field. Dean starts reading, and we hear about the Vanir, a type of god for protection and prosperity. Once he's finished reading a small paragraph summing up the god, he comments on how much it looks like a scarecrow. He then reads on about how the god is connected to a sacred tree, and the professor tells him the norse believed in all kinds of magic. Dean asks what would happen if the tree burned down, would it kill the god? The professor laughs and reminds him that they're just discussing legends. Dean says yes, sure, and thanks him for his time, before heading to the door. He opens it, and smiles backwards at the professor, turning around just as the sheriff hits him with the butt of his shotgun.

He should've seen it coming, a local professor in cahoots. Oh, Dean! You're all messed up without Sam, and now you're going to be a sacrifice.

In the town, Scotty is talking to Emily's aunt and uncle, asking him to understand, they have the responsibility of protecting the town. The uncle, Hurley, tells Scotty and the sheriff that he understands better than anyone, he gives the bad directions down to the orchard. But whatever they're asking for is different, because it's murder. His wife says the god is angry with them, and their trees are beginning to die. That night is the last chance they have. He agrees that 'the boy' should die if he needs to, but he doesn't understand why 'she' has to as well.

Dean, who has been trapped in a cellar, looks up as the storm doors open, and Emily is pushed in there with him by her aunt and uncle. She's pleading with them not to do this to her. Once she's in the cellar, she asks why they're doing it, and her aunt tells her it's for the common good.

They definitely deserve what they get, for sacrificing one of their family, just so they can grow a few apples. Who even does that?

The next scene, Meg hefts her bag on to her bag, and then turns to Sam, telling him their bus just came in. Sam's at a table, listening to his phone. He hangs up, and tells her she should catch it, but he has to go. She asks him where, and he tells her, Burkitsville. He tells her he's been trying to call Dean for three hours, and he keeps getting voicemail. She says his phone might be turned off and Sam says it's not like him.

Also, Meg, if it was off it would go straight to voicemail, but if it's not, it will ring first before cutting to voicemail. Know your phone shit.

Sam says he might be in trouble, and she asks what kind. He tells her he can't say right then, but he doesn't want her to miss her bus. She tells him she doesn't understand why he's running back to his brother. He says it's because Dean is his family.

Awwwwh, Sam, see? You can be impossibly adorable when you want to be! And you're proving me right, thanks for that.

Screw Meg, man, screw her so hard right now.

In the cellar, Emily's telling Dean she doesn't understand that her family is going to kill them. Dean, meanwhile, is trying to shoulder open the storm doors. He clarifies that they'll be sacrificed. He walks back into the main part of the cellar and asks if she really didn't know anything about it. She says she can't believe it, and he says she needs to, because he's going to need her help. She agrees, and he tells her they can kill the scarecrow, but they need to find the tree. He tells her what kind of tree they need to look for, and she tells him about the apple tree that was brought over with their ancestors. They call it the First Tree. It's in the orchard, but she's not sure where.

The storm doors are opened at this point, and they see Scotty, Emily's aunt and uncle, and the sheriff, who tell them it's time. We then see them getting tied to a different tree each, Dean unable to shut his mouth by asking the sheriff how many people they've killed. The sheriff points out they don't technically kill anyone, and Dean comes back with the cover up, and how they must all destroy the clothes and cars and other evidence. The sheriff stands and points his rifle at Dean.

At the other tree, Emily's uncle is telling her that he wishes it wasn't her who had to be sacrificed. her aunt tells her they have no other choice, and they have a responsibility to the god. Emily tells them she's family, and her aunt tells her, that's what sacrifice means.

Ugh, I hate that line. I know it's meant to parallel Sam sacrificing his freedom for Dean (and not Dean sacrificing his whole life for a petulant younger brother) but on it's own, how fucking callous is that?

The aunt carries on talking, and tells Emily "The good of the many outweighs the good of the one." Dean, who's been listening to this, waits until they're all walking away to call out "I hope your apple pie is freaking worth it!"

And I know he's secretly correcting that Spock quote, just like I am. Also, this doesn't feel like Dean. Dean loves pie. I'm sure he can understand how they feel it is worth it. Dean and Pie is a legitimate fan ship.

Emily asks him what the plan is, and Dean tells her he's working on it. Hours later, when night has fallen, she points out that he clearly doesn't have a plan. He repeats that he's working on it. He asks her if she can see whether he's moving yet, but she can't see. They hear footsteps, and she begins freaking out. Dean starts trying to wriggle out of his bindings, and then we hear Sam call his name.

Sam's back! We have the dream team again! They're going to be saved! As if you couldn't tell from my frequent referrals to future episodes (honestly, don't go by that. They die. They die a lot. Especially on a Tuesday) still, let's all be happy that Sam's back!

Dean - "Ah, I take everything back I said. I'm so happy to see you. Come on. How'd you get here?"
Sam - "I, uh, stole a car."
Dean - *laughing* "That's my boy! Keep an eye on that scarecrow, he could come alive any minute."
Sam - "What scarecrow?"

Yep, the scarecrow's alive. Okay, this is shitty, my mac just went 'skipping over damaged area and tried to push the show forward like, three minutes, and my netflix is onto me and the fact I'm not in America and not letting me watch on there, so we may miss some vital shit. I've tried to skip back, we'll see.

Dean, now free of his bindings, stands up and looks at the post, which is empty. They go running with Emily, trying to get out of the orchard. As they do, Sam asks about the sacred tree. Dean says it's the source of power and Sam says they should burn it. Dean says in the morning, but for now, they need to get out before 'Leatherface' shows up. They stop suddenly, having seen Emily's aunt and uncle, who are holding flashlights and rifles. Dean immediately starts trying to pull Sam and Emily in the other direction, where they find Scotty with his own flashlight and rifle. Looking behind them, in the distance, they can see the sheriff with his rifle and flashlight, too. They're surrounded.

They all begin closing in, as they heard the scarecrow approaching. Emily begs to be let go, and her uncle promises her it will be over with quickly. He tells her she has to let him take her - and then the hook appears in his chest, struck from behind. The aunt begins screaming, and Emily does too, burying her head into Dean, who immediately hugs her.

I would do the same thing! And here's how it works, douchebag townspeople! You have to sacrifice one male and one female. So far, they've all been couples. Scarecrow picks. And there's only one official couple in this orchard right now. Someone should have double-checked their own damn lore.

The uncle falls to the floor as the hook is removed, and the sheriff and Scotty run as the aunt is grabbed, still screaming, and the scarecrow stabs her before dragging her, and her husband, away. Dean urges Emily to move, to leave, and they run to the edge of the orchard, looking back as they can hear the scarecrow still. They can't see anything but trees, however.

The next morning, Emily and the boys go walking back through the orchard, Emily scanning for the First Tree. Sam's carrying a canister of fuel. They stop by one tree, that has unusual carving on the trunk. Sam douses the tree, and Dean picks up a long branch, flicking his lighter until it sparks, and lighting the end of the branch. Emily takes the branch off him, and he reminds her that the whole town is going to die. She says good, and steps forward as Sam moves away to stand next to Dean, and she throws the branch onto the tree. It catches immediately, and they stand and watch it burn.

Back at the bus station, Emily is climbing on a bus bound for Boston, and waving to Sam and Dean who are standing and watching her board. The bus pulls away and they talk about whether the townsfolk are going to get away with what they've done. Dean tells Sam that whatever happens to their town now will have to be their punishment. He asks if Sam wants to be dropped off somewhere and Sam says no, he's stuck with him.

Dean - "What made you change your mind?"
Sam - "I didn't. I still want to find Dad. And you're still a pain in the ass. But Jess and Mom, they're both gone. Dad is God knows where. You and me, we're all that's left. So, uh, if we're going to see this through, we're going to do it together."
Dean - "Hold me, Sam. That was beautiful. Come on."

He can't ever take it seriously, can he? I'm with Sam on this bit, however. They're all they've got left.

Sam shoves Dean playfully as they walk away, Dean smirking, and Sam telling him "You should be kissing my ass. You were dead meat, dude." Dean tells him that he had a plan and he would have gotten out.

Because he can't admit he needs his brother to his face. Of course not.

Some time later, at night, a van is driving along the road. Inside is the driver, and Meg. He asks her where she's going, and she asks him to pull over. He says okay,  and does. She pulls out an engraved goblet, and when he asks about it, she says she has to make a call. He offers her his phone, and she tells him, it's not that kind of call. And then she pulls a blade out of the bottom of the goblet and slits his neck, gathering his blood in the cup. She starts an incantation and when the blood starts turning, she starts talking, asking why she was supposed to just let Sam and Dean go. She pauses, repeating yes occasionally, before calling the demon she's communicating with 'Father'.

OMFG, who's Meg's Dad, right? Also, watching this end scene, I was like 'was that Mark Pellegrino?' because if it was, Dude! Mark Pellegrino has a fantastic role from the start of season five. Cannot wait for him, either!

Okay, again, sorry for the lack of pictures. It's late, I've spent forever on this, and I've got like, a billion story ideas buzzing around that I want to focus on. I'm waiting for the wonderful Cynthia Selwyn to send me a chapter back of one of my stories as well, since it was frustrating me and she's freaking amazing with crazy concepts! Also, I know there are typos, and I called Sam Same once at least, but I'm tired, okay?

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